
Purging A Coat Closet – 8 Things That Need To Go

Closet with clothes
Your coat closet is probably a mess. Every home has at least one messy closet. Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to clean up. Here are eight things you can get rid of without much fuss!

Get Rid Of Broken Things

Specifically, toss out those broken umbrellas. You know that it’s time, right?

Off-Season Apparel

If your coats or accessories are off season, make sure to pack them away. It’s nice to have them handy, but they take up too much room. Look forward to seeing them again when you actually need them, and enjoy less clutter.

Worn Out Coats

Yes, your favorite coat from college brings back memories. You know what else it does? Takes up more space. Get rid of it. Donate it. Maybe just pack it away and out of sight. Just get it out of the closet.

Unrelated Clutter

Is your closet full of weird gear and old odds and ends? If so, you’ve got things to get rid of. There’s no reason to keep anything other than coats (and maybe a few emergency supplies) in this closet. Find a better place for your junk!


Everyone’s guilty of this, so don’t try to deny it. Sweep your coat closet for receipts, and you’ll reduce the clutter significantly. This will not take much time, but once you keep up on it there’s no problem.

Outgrown Clothing

If it doesn’t fit, it needs to go. That’s a simple rule that will cut down on clutter immediately. Yes, it might fit some day – but that day is not today, so make sure to donate those coats and clothes instead of hanging on to them. Besides you can you can reward yourself later with new clothes!

Old Flashlights

Keeping a flashlight in your closet is a great idea. Keeping an old flashlight with no batteries? Not a great idea. Keep one, useful flashlight in there – and make sure that the batteries are fresh!

Just Worn Coats

You know what’s a great way to ruin everything in your closet? Keeping a damp coat with the rest of your clothes. Get that wet clothing out of the closet, and make sure that it can dry somewhere away from the rest of your clothing.

If it’s time to purge you closet, don’t hesitate! By following these simple tips, your closet will always be organized and clean. Like these tips? If so, follow us to read more at Direct Interiors!

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